
What happens when you take traditional cannolis and give them a fun, new twist? Our new cannoli chips and dip! The perfect, shareable finger food – in a dessert!

We took our light, crispy cannoli shells; cut them into round dipping wedges, and married them with our velvety Italian cannoli cream. It was a match made in heaven.

Our cannoli chips are handmade to a golden brown perfection. Our authentic Italian cannoli cream is made from the highest quality Ricotta Impastata cheese from Sicily (the ‘Cadillac’ of ricottas), then enhanced with bits of chocolate chips throughout. Great for a quick, no prep dessert, and absolutely delizioso!

3 oz. Cups – 12/3 oz. individual cups per case
20 oz. Platter  – 8/20 oz. platters per case
Also Available: Cannoli Kits with separate shells and cannoli cream in pastry bag for fun filling at home!  TWO SIZES:
16 oz. with 12 shells & cannoli cream
32 oz. with 24 shells & cannoli cream
Bread Pudding
May 15, 2019
Warm Butter Cake
May 30, 2019